babbles of a flash addict

    Tajomstvo rodiny

    “Nu pagadi” or egg-catching type of game, redesigned for slovak tv show and animated for the best user experience and fun. You can select from 7 characters. Each character has his own personality and game difficulty. At the end, you can save your score or publish it to your facebook wall.

    Lead programmer, responsible for UI, game logic.

      Ruzovi kuklaci

      Organic particle 3D ball visualising user messages, guestbook. Randomly previews defined number of texts in space, fully customizable with XML.

      Responsible for 3D engine, animation, programming

        TASR Business

        Customizable desktop application developed for the News Agency of Slovak Republic. the application enables user to get the latest information right on his desktop and stay up to date with news notifications. User can select from variety of news channels, RSS feeds, video feeds, weather channels, currency convertors etc.

        Responsible for programming and animation.

          S cistou hlavou

          Czech beer company campaign site. the campaign claim for this non-alcoholic beer product is “with a clean head”. Users can virtually shave their heads and take part in competetition for the prettiest clean head. The winner gets his clean head printed on the bottle labels.

          Responsible for bezier selector, head editor, editor interface and animation.

            Hlada sa spravca

            A Tamagotchi-like game, where you have to take care of TV show mob family, assigning task to family members and balancing 3 main attributes of each member: health, happiness and money.

            Responsible for 3D engine, animations.

              River Park

              Presentation of developer project River Park. presentation is fully data-driven and contains text sections, apartment selectors with filters and galleries.

              Responsible for: programming, animation.

                Videoportal Huste

                Online TV portal encouraging national sport community and music production in Slovakia. The portal supports up to 7 live streams, live chat with multiple stream-related chat rooms, user profiles with private messaging and many more.

                Responsible for: user interface, user profiles, private messaging, user filter, styles.

                  Puzzle game

                  A sequential movement puzzle game. The game is scalable: variable size and number of pieces with dynamically loaded and cut bitmaps.

                  Responsible for game logic, programming.

                    Marka microsite

                    Beverage company product site presenting the product in funny, friendly way, addressing younger audience. The site includes contact form, pictures for download and flash games.

                    Responsible for general layout, character animation, programming, games.

                      Pelikan microsite

                      Microsite accompanying mysterious campaign surrounding release of a new air ticket portal. The site includes feedback form, multiple video spots and a letter game which leads to unlocking the mystery.

                      Responsible for programming, animation and letter game.